Our Parents
Intelligent. Gentle. Protective.

Luna is the daughter of Ginger, one of our German imports (see Ginger below). She is big, blocky, and gorgeous! Luna loves kids and plays in any bowl or bucket that has water in it. She can’t resist! She also has a bit of a quirky side as she loves to hang her head over the back of the couch and watch me cook dinner!

Harley absolutely LOVES his stud life! He is 2 y.o. so he’s getting out of the juvenile stage. His coat is a little lighter than some of our other dogs. He is the father of my last 2 litters, and also the father to Dozer (link to Dozer’s pic). Harley’s favorite things to do are snuggle in front of the fireplace in the winter, play with his eggy toy, and hang outside in the sunshine.

Mira is such a loyal girl. We can take Mira anywhere and she always stays right by our side. She comes from the lines when I first started breeding so I now have three generations from this beautiful family. She is in her glory when we go for car rides. Her mom, Rosie, is my 3-legged company. Juniper (see below) is Mira’s daughter.

Ginger is one of our favorites (shh, don’t tell the others!). Imported from Russia, she is a wonderful mother and is gentle with our children. Ginger has an incredibly strong bond with me and follows me around everywhere. She is a dark, rich and gorgeous chocolate brown color.

Every morning, Juniper waits at the foot of the bed and the moment she hears my little one is awake, she’s there to greet her with good morning cuddles. She loves the trampoline and watching out over the top of the fence. Juniper’s personality is sweet and more sensitive, like a golden.

We imported Jada as a puppy from Russia. She’s a bit smaller than my other girls. Jada would make an excellent agility or drug sniffing dog. She loves to be up high, whether it’s exploring the trampoline or standing on the playhouse! Jada is sister to Harley (see above).
Meet Our Parents
The Puppies
Playful. Adorable. Kid-friendly!